Thursday, March 28, 2013

What the Dog Didn't Do in the Night

Shumard Oaks
Bark! - as in bark and tree trunks.  Admittedly, an awkward segue from a literary allusion** to plant material, but what the hey.....

When we think of trees, we commonly think of leaves and flowers and the differing seasons in which they brighten our landscape. But when the flowers and leaves have fallen to the ground, many trees pick up the landscape slack with vivid bark and trunk coloration and textures. 

Herewith a few random pictures of some intriguing bark patterns on trees at our Iles Farm:

Natchez Crape Myrtle

Swamp White Oak
Click 'MORE' for more.....

Bosque Elm

Lacebark Elm

Cleveland Select Pear Tree

A different kind of bark

Armstrong Maple

Bald Cypress

London Planetree

Muskogee Crape Myrtle

Zelkova serrata

Sugar Maple

**And a rather elliptical allusion at that, to the dog that didn't bark in the Sherlock Holmes story Silver Blaze. Needless to say, if you have to explain an allusion, it probably isn't one.


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