Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter's Cold

 When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruin'd choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
Shakespeare, Sonnet 73

On that note, we continue our winter theme. Here is a lengthy and helpful article from the venerable Better Homes & Gardens, advising us about garden preparations for winter.

The short answer? Winter preparation is all about cleaning up...
As fall progresses and temperatures drop, those plants that aren't killed outright by frost prepare for dormancy. Clear out the blackened stems and foliage of annual flowers and vegetables to prevent the possibility of their harboring disease pathogens and insect eggs over the winter. The cool weather is a good time to make a cold frame, dig and box in raised beds, and make general repairs.
....and covering up....
It's important to spread new mulch now -- a thicker winter layer -- to protect plants and soil over the winter months. The idea is not so much to keep the soil warm as it is to keep the temperature even. Once the soil is frozen, mulch keeps it frozen. So if you have shade trees, convert the fallen leaves to mulch and use it throughout your property.
We've long advocated the benefits of mulch in other contexts (see here and here). But in fact, it is a prime part of Ben's Creek's winter preparation services as well (coming soon to a flyer near you!).

Read the whole article, and then prepare your yard for a well deserved winter nap.


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